Note: this site is in the process of being updated. Thank you for your patience in advance!
Columbia-Willamette Faceters’ Guild
The CWFG is a nonprofit organization located in Portland, Oregon, and is dedicated to the advancement of faceting gemstones through education. We are a diversified mix of Master cutters, professional members, and hobbyists. The guild provides educational and personal assistance for Novice and Advanced craftsmen. See Join CWFG above for information on meetings (visitors are always welcome).
The Guild sponsors faceting classes, monthly seminars, workshops, competitions, and awards of merit, all to support and promote the standards of faceting excellence. Visit Events and Classes for more info and see the Meeting Schedule for details on upcoming meetings and things you may have missed.
Facilities, educational programs, and activities of the Guild are financed primarily through membership dues, faceting class fees, participation in the Portland Regional Gem and Mineral Show, and the CWFG Annual Gem Auction.
The Guild has developed an extensive lending library of periodicals, video tapes, and reference books on Faceting, Gemology, and Mineralogy. The Guild also has gem testing instruments to aid the scientific needs of our faceters.
We encourage all members to generously share their time and experience to make our Guild activities the best they can be! If you have any suggestions, corrections, or experience broken links, please send a message to any of the officers via our contact page.
News! News! News!
We will also honor the Merle Reinikka and Al Gerding award winners!!

For Tuesday’s November meeting: Bring your entries to compete in the Merle Reinikka Founders award for intermediate faceters. More information HERE
It is time for our annual officer elections, too. See the November Facets for more information.
1: The entries for the Al Gerding Faceting contest must either be in the PO Box no Later than Tuesday Sept. 3, OR you may bring them to the meeting and give them to Vivian.

2: SWAP MEET at our meeting Sept. 3rd.
3: Lotsa Auction Flyers still to distribute — pick up a few at Tuesday’s meeting!
4: Auction sign ups — all hands on deck. Needed roles and times will be available Tuesday!
The guild sponsors two faceting contests each year. He
re’s the information for 2024.
or, 2: bring your stone with a return mailer to the CWFG meeting Sept. 3rd.
The Al Gerding Memorial Trophy award for beginning faceters. More information HERE
The Merle Reinikka Founders award for intermediate faceters. More information HERE
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