Want to Photograph Gemstones?
Who doesn’t? Some say it’s difficult, others just do it. Here are several tutorials and articles on taking pictures of gemstones, jewelry, and other reflective items.
Online Resources for How to Photograph Gemstones (or Close-up Photography)
- TheImage.com
- Lapidary Art
- Web Photo School
- The Online Photographer
Lighting for Close-up Photography
- Gem Journal
- Gem Select
- Photo Gallery of Gems
- Crystals
- Build Soft-lighting Tent
- Alternative Lighting Techniques for Close-up Photography
- This set up can either give ideas or if you aren’t the build-it-yourself type, it’s probably a real time saver
- Lighting Systems for Jewelry Photography
- Lighting Plexiglass for Jewelry Photography
The ISC (International School of Gemology) Student Forums Board has a great thread on the subject.
Know of any other resources? Post a comment, and let us know too!